Download PDF Particular Attachments Particular Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition L L Diamond Leena Emsley Leslie L Diamond Books

By Robert Jensen on Thursday 23 May 2019

Download PDF Particular Attachments Particular Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition L L Diamond Leena Emsley Leslie L Diamond Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 11 hours and 14 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Leslie L. Diamond
  • Release Date February 11, 2019
  • Language English, English

Particular Attachments Particular Series Book 2 Audible Audio Edition L L Diamond Leena Emsley Leslie L Diamond Books Reviews

  • Particular Intentions (the first book in this series) tells us that Georgiana’s Ramsgate encounter
    was much more serious than in Canon and she was actually raped by Wickham in his attempt to convince her to elope.

    Since that trauma, Georgiana has retreated to the company of her family, rarely seeing anyone else.
    She has been helped by her new sister-in-law Elizabeth and her Aunt Lady Matlock but she insists she will never marry.
    Her brother and sister support whatever decision she makes and assure her she may live at Pemberley for her lifetime if she chooses.

    Fear is the father of courage and the mother of safety. ~ Henry H. Tweedy

    After four years of seclusion in Derbyshire, Georgiana feels confident enough to travel to Meryton
    to attend Mr. Bennet’s wedding (Mrs. Bennet had died more than 2 years previously) and to go to London
    and be seen at a few limited gatherings. At 20 years of age, she has never had a “season” or declared herself “out”.

    In London, Georgiana is the victim of vicious gossip concerning her lack of a season. She is rescued
    from an unkind encounter by Lord Sele, a childhood adversary who had declared at twelve that he intended to marry Georgiana.

    Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

    Lydia Bennet is a prominent fixture as she resides with the Darcys in London and becomes the bosom friend
    that the shy Miss Darcy has never had. Lydia changed after her Mother’s death and is finally capable
    of seeing the world from another’s point of view. She becomes a tremendous support to Georgiana.

    Georgiana makes small attempts to appear in society. Lydia gives her a push when she invites
    Lord Sele to Georgiana’s debut ball even though no ball has been planned. Lord Sele quietly courts his love.

    Lady Lindsey, a close friend of Lady Anne and mother to Lord Sele, becomes a surrogate mother to Georgiana also.

    "Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
    Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd."
    in the 1697 play The Mourning Bride (Act III Scene 2) by William Congreve

    Georgiana begins to spy a woman known well to her – the despised Mrs. Younge is encountered
    while shopping and in the Park. She speaks to Georgiana as if they were friends – but, of course, she is no friend.

    With rampant rumors concerning Georgiana already circulating throughout the first circles, Mrs. Younge threatens disclosure.

    Can Georgiana’s family and friends protect her from gossip?

    I did a quick re-read of Particular Intentions before starting this sequel.
    Particular Attachments could be a stand-alone but is best understood if Particular Intentions is also read.

    Fear has a large shadow, but he himself is small. ~Ruth Gendler
  • Perhaps because I had read several of the opening chapters at Austen Variations, I had a more challenging time than usual in sinking into this novel. But once I did, I went gangbusters trying to find out what happens between Georgiana Darcy and her childhood nemesis, Nathaniel. Considering the crazy week I've just managed to survive while juggling the teaching of two Brave Writer classes and grading many essays for my business, it was a miracle that I finished this book at all.

    It does help to read Particular Intentions first so that one knows Darcy and Elizabeth's story before launching into the story of Georgiana and Nathaniel as well as Lydia and her Mr. Hanson. Four years have passed since the first book in the series, and Georgiana, who has delayed her come-out to age twenty because she plans to never marry, is finally convinced to enter London society. And the annoying Nathaniel is immediately at her side. She ignores him. She teases him. He makes her angrier than anyone else on earth...and the sparks fly! But Georgiana's past seems to be catching up with her, and she must tell Nathaniel a dreadful that will ruin her in society forever.

    Once I got about a quarter of the way into this book, I couldn't put it down. I even brushed my teeth with in hand, eager for the next encounter between Georgiana and the persistent Nathaniel. A delightful book in every way!!

    I rarely give 5's to any book except for classics, but this novel deserves it--and then some!
  • This book follows book 1 Particular Intentions It is recommended that the reader check out book 1 because… there is a lot of information that is different from canon. Several pairings went into another direction and that will throw the reader off while they are in book 2. It had been a while since I read book 1 and I was constantly going… wait… how was that situation again? This Lydia is a completely different person and I just adored her. Wait, did I just say that?

    Rating clean but with a caveat there was mild descriptions of and reference to a violent act. Not graphic and not explained in detail.

    Georgiana gets to tell her story. She is now all grown up and no longer the little girl, simpering and quaking in her boots and hiding behind the adults. She is twenty years old and about to have a come out whether she wants one or not. She also has a suitor, whether she wants him or not. He was a brat-child that gave her grief when they were kids. He hid her doll and she kicked him in the chins. They are perfect for each other.

    Lord Sele… I loved this guy. I’m sorry, he was perfect for Georgiana. Our girl had closed off her heart and was letting Ramsgate dictate her future. Lord Sele was having none of that and had determined that he was going to marry Georgiana. He said so when he was twelve and as far as he was concerned, nothing had changed. He had loved her ever since.

    Just when you think it is safe… Mrs. Younge rises out of the slums of London to cause trouble. We learn a bit more about her involvement in Ramsgate… that conniving, blackmailing, b-witch of a scheming… well, you get the picture. I loved how they handled the situation. Don’t mess with a Darcy… they have many influential friends that are willing to stand with them and make someone’s life a living hell.

    I loved this story and highly recommend both books.